
Important updates
Using trunkfriends
Window installation files (MSI package)
OSX files (JAR package)
Linux (x86) installation files (debian and generic)
Install from source (any system)
Trunkfiends is a "friends management tool".
It lets you keep a history of your connection to people you follow and who follow you. By scanning your followers / following lists, and comparing it to how it was at previous scan, you can keep track of who friended you at what point in time, when they unfollowed you, when you unfollowed them, etc.
Please note that this is a preliminary page. Things will improve, this project is still in early starting phase. This page will be the main info page for Trunkfriends. For now, it will only contain the weekly update / changelog, a simple usage manual and install files.
The project is open source and public domain. The artwork is excluded, the artist retains the copyright, and it is used with permission. This project comes with no warranty, use as is.

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